Sunday, September 03, 2006

And So It Begins

So it finally hits me. 45. Balding. Overweight. Fed up with the rat race.

It must be time to either have a heart attack, an American Beauty moment or to slowly decline into senility and dribbling.

Well, I'm sorry but none of these appeal to my still youthful (second childhood) mind. I feel more like accommodating the changes that are necessary (healthier food, regular exercise) but resisting some of the behaviour expected of someone of my increasing seniority (golf, opera, cardigans).

I plan to use this blog to work through the perceived and actual issues with being of an (un)certain age. Being at the back end of the Baby Boomer generation, I can see that I represent the last wave who retain the moral values of their pre-war parents, rather than the amoral values of Generation X.

45 is also a difficult time emotionally, as I wrestle with the irritation of everyday life (commuting - why can't everyone else just get out of the goddam way!), the gradually failing of my bodily functions (still continent - just, hair receding to the horizon), teenage kids (I was never that bad at 15!), and unfulfilled dreams (retiring at 40 having made my fortune, playing rugby for England).

However, I am by nature optimistic and see this as a time to recover any lost ground in ngelected areas (I've started reading more classics again), enjoy the now (I'm no longer a txt n00b), and plan for improvement (run my first marathon at 46 - closely followed by by first heart attack ;-)

This is also my first ever blog, so please feel free to give constructive comments. I shan't take any notice of them, but it's nice to know there is someone out there...

Currently listening to: The really irritating muzak from Sims 2 that my daughter is playing.

Menopausal Man

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